Aligarh Public School For Girls (Manga)

It was established in 1967 on a 50 acres land area which has picturesque / healthy environment and pollution free atmosphere. It was upgraded to Higher Secondary level in 2008. Ever since then the institute has been source of knowledge and learning for the young Pakistani girls. Our ethos at Aligarh is built around involvement, rights and responsibilities. Rights are for everyone: students, parents and staff alike but responsibilities go with them, hand in hand. we are always looking for opportunities for our students to show their sense of responsibility and we always try to treat them as young adults.

Campus Tour

Major Initiatives


A brief list of our major initiatives.

• An Active School Council

• A Student Research Group

• Students as Learning Partners

• Peer Counselors

Of great importance to us is the quality of relationship between parents and the School. We have high expectations of our students both in terms of their behavior and the academic progress they make whilst with us. We know that without the support of parents these expectations will not be met. We regularly seek views about the school and include them in our school improvements plans. We act vigorously to stamp out bullying and violence of any sort.

Latest Events

Qiraat Competition Girls Wing
Alighar Public School hosted a visit from Nasir Shirazi
Annual Parents Day And Cultural Festival 2023