Aligarh Public School For Boys (Gulberg)

Aligarh Public High School for Boys was established in 2008 in an entirely separate campus at Gulberg, which is of course another stunning addition in the educational’ institutes working under the auspices of TAT. At the institution, emphasis is laid on character building and personality development through creating self discipline, self confidence, self respect and sense of righteousness and positive attitude towards life among the students. Such essentials of characters make Aligarhians proud citizens of the nation.



• To develop the inherent potential and talent of the students by educating them in various Modern Disciplines.

• To give students confidence in their own cultural identity;

• To groom their personalities within the framework of Islamic values in order to achieve academic, social and national excellence;

• To develop their physical skills and instill in them an appreciation of the need of healthy living through participation in sporting and recreational activities;

• To foster in students the habits of “free inquiry, large-hearted tolerance and pure morality”

The AGPS Education System

At Aligarh Public High School for Boys, qualified & experienced teachers are teaching to Class V to X through a detailed and well planned syllabus. Our medium of instruction is English and varied teaching methods are used inside the classroom in order to sustain interest of the students. The salient features of our teaching methods are:

• Learner Centred Approach

• Creativity based Teaching

• Group work, pair work, individual work

• Above all, class time is utilized by building a solid foundation of knowledge through interacting, analyzing, forming and expressing opinions and through effective discussions which are based on critical thinking and logical reasoning.

Well planned teaching is followed by continuous evaluation process including periodic tests on monthly and weekly basis & end of term examinations.

Co-curricular activities are an important part of a well rounded personality. At AGPS stress is laid on sports., Athletics, Art & Science Exhibitions, Debates etc. There are different societies in the School, namely, English & Urdu Literary Society, Debating Society, Science Society, Art Club, Sports Club and Singing Forums in order to promote literary and creative talents of the students by arranging different functions and social get-togethers on regular basis.

We always encourage students’ achievements in academic or non academic. For this purpose, we have a system of rewards in order to motivate the pupils’ work and conduct on desired lines. The following awards are awarded to the students.

• Student of the Year

• Eminent boy

• Most regular student

• Best player

• Best Athlete

• Titles of honour for academics and co-curricular.

Latest Events

Winter Carnival
Sightseeing City of Lahore
2nd Teachers Meeting
Sports Day Boys Branch
KG Wings Sports Day
Parent’s Day & Annual Prize Distribution
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