The following Committee will scrutinize and decide the cases of students’ fee concession.

1. Principal of concerned school, 

2. Vice Principal / Senior Teacher of the respective school, and

3. Accounts Officer / Admin Officer/ Admin Incharge of respective school.

4. Admission on Need Based Facilitation (NBF) will be made by the respective Principal on recommendations of the School Committee provisionally; and will forward the case to two members of the Education Board (EB), whoever are available, to be approved by either. In case of an already enrolled student, NBF will be granted on formal approval only.

5. The EB member will submit a report to the EB for their information.

Types of Concessions

1. Need Based Facilitation
2. Kinship
3. Employees’ Children
4. Merit




Fee concession in Tuition Fee will be granted to the deserving students @ 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% only.



50% Tuition Fee concession shall be granted to subsequent children with the same parentage. However, Ist child will pay full Tuition Fee & Funds as usual.


Employees’ Children:


a. 100% Tuition Fee concession will be allowed to the confirmed/regular employees’ children, subject to a maximum of two children. However, already enrolled children will continue to avail the facility as per existing policy.

b. In case both spouses are employees of the Trust, the facility will be admissible to one only.



In order to attract brilliant students to Intermediate Classes, fee concession is given to students who obtain higher marks in Secondary School Certificate Examination as detail hereunder.


%Marks Obtained% Concession in Tuition Fee
85% and above100
80% to 84%75
75% to 79%50
70% to 74%25

The concession will continue in 2nd year on the basis of marks obtained in Ist year examination, conducted by Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Lahore.


1. 10% quota of total strength will be admissible for NBF. The quota will be calculated on the basis of total strength less number of students availing concession on account of “Kinship”, “Employees’ Children” and “Merit”. A student availing concession will be counted as one irrespective of the percentage he/she is availing.
2. All cases of NBF will be approved by the Committee on the basis of financial position of the parents, academic result, rented/ own house, utility bills and standard of living etc
3. The Committee will determine percentage of Tuition Fee concession on NBF basis.
4. All the students who are granted concession in Tuition Fee will have to obtain 60% marks, across the board; otherwise concession given to them will be withdrawn.
5. The cases for fee concession are renewable on yearly basis, subject to satisfactory performance.
5. All students availing concession in Tuition Fee, irrespective of the category of concession, will have to pay full Funds as well as amount of Security and Admission Fee equal to those not availing concession.
6.In case of resignation /termination of an employee, all concession given to his/her children will cease forthwith.

The policy will come into effect from the Academic Session 2016. However, existing concessions will remain in force, subject to satisfactory performance.


The Fee Concession Policy, approved by the Executive Committee in its 293rd meeting held on 13.07.2016, as amended from time to time, is hereby repealed.